To be Kept Healthy Feet

Not only the face, feet also require maintenance. This body part gets a big pressure when walking, use of high-heeled shoes or during exercise.

No need to spend hours in beauty salons to get maintained a healthy foot. There are some simple tips for caring for the feet as quoted by the Times of India follows.

1. Gradually began to exercise
When exercising, start slowly and move with a slow rhythm and gradually becomes faster. Try starting a fitness activity with sports that provide a low pressure in the legs. Swimming or cycling would be better than running or playing tennis.

2. footwear
Make sure you buy shoes that fit the activity. Do not buy shoes that are comfortable in the beginning in hopes of a pleasant stay on. Or hope that the narrowness of shoes will become more comfortable. Shoes that are tight in the beginning will never loose in the future.

3.Peregangan feet
Especially at the ankle and toes before and after exercise. This is a good way to avoid foot injury, especially ligaments, muscles and tendons of the ankle. Minor injury can cause more serious problems later on if not addressed immediately.

4.Kelembaban footwear
Note the cleanliness and humidity to prevent mold footwear breed. These infections can lead to problems in the feet.

5. Pamper feet
Pamper your feet with a spa visit. Soak feet in warm water three times a week is also able to refresh and soften feet.
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Sunshine Day Trigger Skin Cancer

Sunlight in the morning is good for all ages. But note the time you and your family are exposed to direct sunlight. Children are exposed to the sun during the heat susceptible to skin cancer later in life.
Cancer experts say that children should be taughtprotects skin from the sun early on, especially when in school. Recent research has found nearly 40 percent of students suffer from sunburn while at school.
As reported by the Daily Mail, nearly half of parents of 1,000 parents reported that their children burned by the sun while at school. Child's skin is very sensitive to sunlight. This makes them vulnerable to skin cancer later in life.
Richard Clifford, an alliance member of the UK Skin Cancer charity (Scuk), said that children who are too often exposed to sunlight will get a lot of health problems later in life. "It's important for them to use sunscreen and sunblock to reduce the risk."
According to him, is very important for the school to take the role. Teachers should remind their students to not only use sunblock but also use a hat when outside the room.
Although only half of parents who reported it, 45percent of them do not worry about this disease. In fact, cancermalignant skin such as malignant melanoma has killed two thousand peopleevery year.
"Sunstroke on a child's skin can double the risk of skin cancer in the future," said Dr. Andrew Wright, consultant dermatologist at St Luke's Hospital, Bradford.
In Indonesia alone, patients with skin cancer is increasing from year to year. The sun's ultraviolet rays are responsible for damage to skin cells and trigger the development of cancer occurs in the long term.
Although the Indonesian people benefited by having brown-black pigment that protects skin from ultraviolet rays, the sun burned continually will certainly increase the risk of skin cancer, especially for children.
However, that does not mean the child should be completely protected from the sun because at certain hours, such as in the morning, the sun is very good for growing children. Morning sunlight can stimulate the skin to produce vitamin D important for bone health, immune system.
At the time span of 10 am and 4 pm, children are encouraged toprotected from sunlight. Because, on timescales tersebutlah
Sunlight contains many harmful ultraviolet rays.
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Minimal Side Effects of Cancer Drug Ala Kalbe

Cancer patients now have new hope for treatment with minimal side effects compared with conventional treatments such as chemotherapy.
Because the PT Kalbe Farma Tbk, today introduced the drug "targeted therapy" and was exploring the possibility of entering the drug in the list of Health Insurance (Askes).
According to Director of Innogene Kalbiotech Kalbe Farma, Rikrik Ilyas, targeted therapy is a cancer drug that can reduce side effects because the drugs directly to patients to target the cancer cells.
"The problem, targeted drug therapy is only used during certain circles because the price is relatively expensive," he said in a statement received in Jakarta, Thursday, May 19, 2011.
Imunopatologi Professor of University of Indonesia, Santoso Cornain added, usually cancer drugs have side effects such as anemia, hair loss, nausea, and diarrhea. However, the use of targeted therapies can reduce these side effects.
"As the name of targeted therapies, which attack only the cancer cells only, unlike conventional cancer drugs which, besides attacking the cancer cells also attack cells that are still healthy," he said.
Kalbe Farma through the biopharmaceutical division continues to develop and refine drugs and diagnostics that can minimize or reduce side effects for cancer patients. "We have Innogene Kalbiotech unit based in Singapore specializes in the research development of cancer drugs that can reduce side effects," said Rikrik.
Rikrik said that Singapore was chosen as the location because it gives tax breaks the company up to double the cost of research for cancer drugs are produced.
According to him, Kalbe has invested approximately Rp180 billion for drug development and diagnostic tools for cancer that has now entered in the eighth.
Some of these funds, approximately Rp60 billion used to establish biotechnology research institutions such as the Stem Cell & Cancer Institute and Kalgen (Kalbe Genomics) Laboratory.
Meanwhile, Hera Novianti, experts in the field of molecular biology, said some people with cancer caused by carrying the gene from their parents. Thus the provision of cancer drugs can not be equated and should be tailored to a person's genetic.
Hera added, Kalbe Genomic Laboratory have laboratories to check a person's genes so that cancer can be an effective drug delivery to the target at a cost ranging from 500 thousand to Rp 3, 5 million. This cost can still be reduced for participants Askes, because this gene has entered the examination Askes program.

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Kalbe Farma Acquisition of Foreign Drug Companies

PT Kalbe Farma Tbk (KLBF) will acquire a number of pharmaceutical companies within and outside the country this year. The Company set aside the sale of shares of buyback of shares (treasury stock) to a foreign company.

"Reportedly, the company aggressively pursue pharmaceutical company in Southeast Asia as a step to the overseas business expansion," said the source told in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 13, 2011.

Director of Kalbe Farma, when asked for confirmation Vidjongtius admitted liability company plans to acquire pharmaceutical companies and goods for consumption. "Yes, we have planned acquisition of local and Asean," he told

He added that currently, the company is in the process of exploration companies. "So, do not yet know the outcome," said Vidjong.

As for foreign companies that will purchase treasury stock, Kalbe, Vidjong said that until now there are companies that intend to buy.

As of May 31, 2011, PT Bina Artha Charisma own shares amounting to 8.01 percent KLBF coded, PT Gira Sole Prima (9.39 percent), PT Harvest Farm Ira (8.51 percent), PT Lucasta Murni Cemerlang (8.74 percent ), Diptanala PT Bahana (8.76 percent), PT Santa Seha Sanadi (8.88 percent), and UBS AG Singapore S / A PT Kalbe Farma Tbk as much as 7.69 percent. While the rest held by the public.

In trading Wednesday afternoon, KLBF Rp25 close higher (0.70 percent) to a level Rp3.550. PT Deutsche Securities Indonesia with DB code listed as the broker of the most widely collected Kalbe Farma shares.

As is known, the company set aside Rp500 billion to Rp1 trillion for the acquisition of local drug firms to raise revenues of about 15-18 percent this year.

Vidjongtius said, the funding comes from corporate action the company's internal cash. "We give priority to local companies. If possible could be expanded in scope to Asean," he said.
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Indonesian Air Route Expansion Tansport

PT Indonesia Air Transport Tbk (IATA) is ready to explore cooperation with a number of investors to support the company's corporate action this year.
"We do not rule out cooperation with investors in the company's successful business expansion," said Secretary of the Indonesia Air Transport Company, Ganis Zuvianto Arman, when contacted in Jakarta, Tuesday, August 2, 2011.
According to Ganis, for purposes of expansion, the company is not scheduled commercial flights or charters that set up funds from internal cash and bank loans. "We were prepared from the first two options," he said.
Meanwhile, business expansion by Indonesia Air Transport, he said, the addition of a number of new flight routes. "But we can not mention any route, yes," said Ganis.
Regarding the news that one of the domestic airlines are exploring shareholding Indonesia Air Transport, Ganis claimed not to hear. "As to that - that strategic investors are interested to get IATA -, do not know. To be sure, we're aggressively expanding," he said.
As of June 30, 2011, PT Global Transport Service registered IATA coded stock control as much as 53.01 percent, Far East Global Invesments Ltd. 12.15 percent, 10.52 percent and Starlight. While the rest held by the public.
In trading Tuesday at 10.30 pm, the share price of Rp1 IATA or 1.66 percent lower at Rp59 levels. Meanwhile, at the opening transaction this morning, shares of Indonesia Air Transport stagnant at Rp60 position.
Earlier, Indonesia Air Transport seeks to boost financial performance this year. To that end, the company was eyeing charter aircraft tenders from mining companies in East Kalimantan.
"Tender is worth $ 2.9 million from mining companies in Muara Bakau, East Kalimantan," said President Director of IATA, Syafril Nasution, after the EGM in Jakarta, some time ago.

Syafril added that the company will also open up new flight routes in some areas.

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